Home > National Shooting Center > Standing Orders
Description of the National Shooting Centre

The NSC is designated as a Center of Excellence by the Singapore Sports Council, and is leased to the Singapore Shooting Association by the Singapore Sports Council.

The NSC standing Orders applies to all those persons who have access to the NSC. Specific conditions for each range are set out in the appendices.

Procedures for Requesting Use of the NSC
Units/organizations other than SSA wishing to use the NSC are to apply the procedures detailed in these standing orders.

Range Construction and Modification
No club, organization, or individual is to construct any new range, and.or modify any existing range without the expressed, prior approval of SSA and SSC, in accordance with the terms of the Lease Agreement. No club, organization, or individual is to store, or leave behind, equipment and stores, in the premises, without the expressed, prior approval of the SSA.

Range Cleanliness

1. All users are to ensure that moveable range equipment; target frames and targets are removed from the range and stored in the appropriate place.
2. All spent cartridge and rubbish are to be placed in the appropriate containers.
3. All fans and lights should be switched off after use.

All users of the NSC Complex must be familiar with the use of flags.

1. 25m & 50m ranges - Red flag must be displayed when the range or chamber is "HOT" (firing) is taking place or about to take place).
2. Shotgun ranges A & B - Red flag at the Trap &Skeet houses means there are persons working in the Trap/Skeet houses. No firing is to take place.
3. Sporting Clays range -
a. Red flag at entrance (near clubhouse) means firing is taking place. No one should enter the range except those with valid permit.
b. White flag at entrance (near clubhouse) denotes a threat of lightning. No one should enter the range.

Ear & Eye Protection
It is the responsibility of the Range Conducting Officer to ensure that satisfactory ear & eye protection is applied correctly by all firers, those support staff employed in the conduct of the shoot.

Fire Protection
Fire prevention measures are to be observed. Each building displays fire evacuation procedures. Each User must make themselves familiar with the conditions of these notices.


1. Loaded firearms must always be pointed down range.
2. Firearms not in use, must be rendered inoperable or should be stored in a secure container and not left unattended.
3. No person shall exit a range with a holstered handgun, unless given permission by the NSC Manager for training purposes.
4. No person shall go forward of the firing line on any range while shooting is in progress or firearms are being handled within the confines of that range.
5. The confines of a range are all the area within barriers, which are capable of containing a projectile within the area. Refer separate notices on the range.
6. No user may handle a firearm while under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
7. All persons on a range must obey the instructions of the NSC Manager, NSC staff or the Range Officer, immediately and without dispute.

Medical Cover
It is the user-club's or organization's responsibility to arrange adequate medical cover, should the activity so demand. A medical kits is located in the NSC office. Users of the medical kit must complete an accident report in the book within the accident kit.

Following an accident the procedure is:

1. cease firing
2. render first aid (facilities are available in the club house)
3. if necessary, evacuate the injured to medical facility*
4. ensure the area in which the accident took place is secure
5. ensure the firearm involved in the accident is safe

Advise NSC Manager and GM SSA of the accident. The GM MUST report any accident involving firearms to firearms to the Singapore Police and the SSC.

Nearest Medical Services

The nearest government hospital is the National University Hospital, about 20 minutes' drive away. Access is by the Ayer Rajah Expressway(AYE)?urn off at Exit 8 on to South Buona Vista Road and then to Lower Kent Ridge Road.

Annex A1

Booking of NSC Range

All requests to use the facilities are to be guided by the following:

  1. All request are to be submitted to SSA office by;
    10 November (for the quarter JAN to MAR)
    10 February (for the quarter APR to JUN)
    10 May (for the quarter JUL to SEPT)
    10 August (for the quarter OCT to DEC)
    Bookings will be confirmed by SSA by 20th of November, February, May and August.
    Block or blanket bookings are not to be submitted without written justification.

  2. Priority of booking
    25m, 50m, Shotgun Ranges
    a. SSA - for International events and National Squad
    b. SSA - for development programmes
    c. Clubs affiliated to SSA - for international / national events
    d. NSC Registered shooters

    50m Open & Sporting Clays Ranges

    a. SSA - for development programmes
    b. Clubs affiliated to SSA - for international / national events
    c. NSC Registered shooters

  3. Firm Bookings
    Bookings will be deemed firm - subject to SSA operational requirements - as follows:
    a. International if booked nine months in advance
    b. National if booked six months in advance
    c. Club if booked three months in advance

  4. Casual Use of Ranges
    If the user for whom the range is booked is not present, another user may use the range but if the person for whom the range is booked arrives, they may request you vacate the range. This must be done as soon as is practicable and without dispute.

    No individual may use the NSC unless they are:

    1. a member of an SSA affiliated club
    2. a guest of an SSA affiliated club Member
    3. a person or organization approved by GM SSA or Manager NSC
    4. NSC is not for use by the general public.

  5. Non-Attendance
    Users who do not arrive for the confirmed booking and failed to advise the NSC/SSA of non-attendance on the day of the booking, may forfeit their next booking on that range and/or have priority in future bookings.

Annex A2

Using the National Shooting Centre

1. Signing In
All users, with the exception of *SSA, *SGC, *SRA permanent staff (*while at the NSC in this capacity) must sign the register situated in the reception on each visit to the NSC.

2. Assignment of Range
Casual shooters will be assigned a range or lane according to the discipline they are shooting. Users must adhere to their assigned range and lane. Any change must have prior approval of NSC staff.

3. Procedure for Using the NSC
c. Sign in at NSC reception
d. Confirm booking or availability of range.
e. Pay for range use.
f. Declare ammunition & targets used, and range officer (where applicable)
g. Be aware of safety regulations and proper conduct.
h. Issue with receipt and valid security label, Range Clearence Certificate (where appropriate)
i. Draw weapon and ammunition from armoury.

4. On Completion of Shooting
a. Clear all rubbish and spent cartridge and dispose of in appropriate bins.
b. Switch off lights and fans.
c. Stow furniture and range equipment in appropriate place.

Annex B1

NSC 25m Range Rules

SHOOTERS are to observe the following range rules.

  1. Caliber of Firearm
    Only firearms calibers as below may be used. No hunting or pointed pellets are permitted.

    • 177 9 x 21
    • 22 9 x 25
    • 22 Magnum
    • 32 S & W
    • 38 Special
    • 38 S & W
    • 177

  2. Firing Points
    • 20 lanes for Pistol or Air Riffle / Pistol.
    • Lanes 1 - 10 for precision firing points, Centre Fire or Rapid Fire Pistol points.
    • All firing MUST be directly down range from within each firing point, engaging the target set within the same firing point.
    • All firing must be from within the designated area.

  3. Targets
    Only paper targets may be used, fitted into the carrier or frame for each firing position.

  4. Rubbish
    All targets and other waste product must be cleared from the range and if not taken off site, placed within the rubbish containers situated within the 10m Range.

All users must comply with NSC Range Standing Orders.
A full copy of these Range Standing Orders can be viewed on the SSA notice board.

Annex B2

NSC 50m Range (ISSF) Rules

SHOOTERS are to observe the following range rules.

  1. Caliber of firearm
    Only firearms calibers as below may be used.
    Pistols and Riffles
    .22 - low velocity ammunition

  2. Firing Points
    Sixteen points, each 1.500m wide.
    All firing MUST be directly down range from within each firing point,
    engaging the targets set within the same firing point.

  3. Targets
    Only paper targets may be used, fitted into the target machines provided.

  4. Rubbish
    All targets and other waste product must be cleared from the range and if not taken off site, placed within the rubbish containers situated within the 50m Range

All users must comply with NSC Range Standing Orders. A full copy of these Range Standing Orders can be viewed on the SSA notice board.

Annex B3

NSC 50m Open Range Rules

1. Caliber of Firearm
Only firearms calibers as below may be used.

  • 177 9 x 21 .40 S&W
  • 22 9 x 25 .44 S&W Special
  • 22 Magnum .38 Super .44 Magnum
  • 32 S&W .38 Special .45 Colt
  • 9mm .357 Magnum .45 ACP
  • 10mm .38 S&W .455

2. Firing Points
All firing MUST be directly down the range from within the firing point.

3. Targets
3.1 Only paper targets or those made of soft material which the projectile will penetrate may be used. Metal targets, if used, must be of the design which deflects projectiles down the ground.

3.2 Target must be placed as closed to the butt area as possible, and be placed at a height, that will allow the projectile to be retained within the stop butt. No targets are to be placed in a position where rounds will erode/damage the side walls & baffles, and/or go outside of the safety template area. No target or part thereof may be left on the range.

3.3 Where it is not practicable to place targets at the butt area, one of the following must be fulfilled:

a. Low (paper or soft) Targets below 1m - rear of targets must be lined with sandbags to prevent ricochet of bullet off the ground.
b. Paper (soft) Targets - erect wooden boards behind target to slow down velocity of bullets, and prevent ricochet of bullets.
c. Metal Targets - targets must be of the design which defects projectiles down to the ground.

4. Target Frames
Wooden frames only are permitted, with the exception that for .22 rimfire rifle silhouette, a metal rail may be used to mount the targets on BUT this rail must be fully faced with 50mm timber, exposing only the targets to the shooter.

5. Rubbish
All targets and other waste product must be cleared from the range and if not taken off site, placed within the rubbish containers situated within the 50m Range.
Annex B4

NSC Shotgun (ISSF) Range Rules

Shooters are to observe the following Rules.

  1. Caliber of Firearm
    Only firearms calibers as below may be used.
    12 to 32 gauge
  2. Firing Points
    All firing MUST be from designated Trap (5 Stations) or Skeet (8 Stations) firing points.
  3. Targets
    3.1 Only clay targets provided by SSA may be used. Users may not use other forms of targets except with prior approval of SSA.

    3.2 The clay target machines may only be set, adjusted or repaired by SSA staff.

    3.3 Users may load clay target machines, provided they do so in a safe manner.

    3.4 A Red flag must be displayed at the Trap or Skeet house/s whenever a person is working on a machine; no firing is to take place when a red flag is displayed at the range.

  4. Rubbish
    4.1 All spent cartridge should be disposed off in bins provided.

    4.2 All other waste product must be cleared from the range and if not taken off site, placed within the rubbish containers situated within the Shotgun range.